The Displaced Cactus

Adventures of a former desert dweller transplanted to Washington

Tea Tasting: A Great Date

Yes, I’ve been married for almost 18 years, but I still value a good date night with my partner. Let me tell you why I think that tea tasting is an ideal date activity.

10 Reasons Why You Should Take Your Date Tea Tasting

  1. Tea tasting is not inherently romantic, which means it’s great for all kinds of dates. From a first date to a date night with your established partner to a friend date to taking your teenager out for some quality parent-kid bonding time, everyone can enjoy tea.
  2. Tea tasting is really affordable. We did a cheese and tea pairing tasting flight at LizzyKate yesterday for $10 a person. Just tea without cheese would have been only $5. In a metro area where a beer can run you $8 and a cocktail $10-15, this is a great deal.
  3. Tea shops are usually quiet and lend themselves to conversation. It’s the perfect space for getting to know someone, or catching up with a friend.
  4. Speaking of conversation, the tea itself is a great conversation starter. Which tea did you like best? What would you pair it with at home? Use it as a springboard for discussing other things you love.
  5. This is an activity with a flexible time frame. If you’re having a great time, you can order more tea and talk for hours. If the date’s not going well or you’re in a time-crunch, it’s easy to end it early.
  6. Tasting tea can be a springboard for other activities. Maybe you want to continue the date but the tea shop is crowded and you want to make room for others. You can easily adjourn elsewhere. Maybe you go get a sweet treat (after tea and then dinner, we visited Lady Yum as our “new place of the week” for macarons). You can go for a walk around the neighborhood, go shopping, whatever you feel like. You’ll probably have plenty of energy from all the caffeine, too.
  7. You can buy tea as a souvenir of your date. What’s better than drinking a cup of tea and remembering the wonderful time you had with a loved one?
  8. If you’re doing a guided tea tasting, you have the opportunity to learn more about tea. Call me a nerd, but I love the chance to learn something new.
  9. For those that are new to tea, instead of established enthusiasts, this could be an introduction to a whole new world to explore together. Or for those who already love tea but have a partner/friend/child who hasn’t really tried it yet, this is a great way to introduce them to one of your favorite beverages and help them discover what varieties they like best.
  10. It’s a great way to support a local business. Too often, “let’s grab coffee” translates to ending up at Starbucks. There really isn’t a tea equivalent to Starbucks in most towns (the two largest tea chains, Teavana and David’s Tea, may sell you a cup of tea but they won’t do a tasting and there’s no place to sit and chat), so you’ll find yourself in some great locally-owned shop, having a unique experience.

Have you ever gone on a tea-based date? Share your experience in the comments!